Bay View United Methodist Church
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Bethel-Bethany United Church of Christ
Bradford Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Church
Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative
Community Baptist Church
Congregation Emanu-El B’Ne Jeshurun
East Siders for Common Ground
Ellison Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church
First Unitarian Society of Milwaukee
Forward Scholars
Gesu Catholic Parish
Good Shepherd Trinity Church (ELCA & PCUSA)
Green Homeowners United
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
International Association of Machinists District 10, Lodge 66 and Lodge 78
Invisible Reality Ministries
Jim Luther New Hope Center
Jerusalem Empowered African Methodist Episcopal Church
Lamb of God Missionary Baptist Church
Marquette University for Common Ground
Mercy Housing Lakefront
Metropolitan Missionary Baptist Church
Mount Mary University
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church (LCMS)
Presbytery of Milwaukee
St. Adalbert’s Catholic Parish
St. Catherine’s Catholic Parish
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish
St. John Paul II Catholic Parish
St. Mark African Methodist Episcopal Church
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
St. Martin of Tours Catholic Parish
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
St. Rita Square
South Side Caucus
Tabernacle Community Baptist Church
The James Company
Tippecanoe Presbyterian Church
Village Church (ELCA)
Washington County for Common Ground
Wauwatosa Presbyterian Church